Saturday, June 21, 2008

texas mule deer hunts - get creative

The sport of hunting involves a lot or risk and danger. Various hunters have various requirement so not every hunter wants to buy the same equipment.

Many experienced hunters use the Mini Bolt. On rare occasions, gobblers will even come in strutting and gobbling just like it was spring. Never use perfume or aftershave or scented deodorants on the final few days before going game hunting.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the elk will not come to you; you need to walk to find them. Coon hounds are a great help. Therefore it is best to shop for your gear at both types of stores, keeping in mind the cost savings offered by the department stores and some online stores.

It is so obvious, yet how many days or seasons have you spent hunting in areas where you never saw a really big buck. You must realize that not all areas hold even one really big buck, let alone a few. If you hunt from a tree stand, I recommend getting up the tree and set up thirty minutes before sunrise.

The big boys will not typically run at the slightest pressure - they may hold tight. The top tip of all that even some beginners instinctively know is to keep quiet at all times.

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